Ann Diener 0 Comments

This most recent update on the Alaska Natural Gas Pipeline that we will be following and working towards supporting this goal. They presented to the legislature following this video and we believe that Alaskan LNG directly benefits us. “We are going to see a cost reduction to the consumers of Alaska,” said and we want to help bring this project to fruition.

Please reply with your comments on the project.

Ann Diener 0 Comments

Opinion From the Anchorage Daily News, February 15, 2022

Open mining opportunities with a railroad

By Frank Murkowski

Updated: February 15, 2022 Published: February 15, 2022

We’ve heard the old adage “opportunity knocks but once,” and I think I hear it knocking loud and clear. The Manh Choh Project could be great for Alaska, with good job opportunities and a significant lift to our state’s lagging economy. It would be an even greater opportunity if tied to a railroad link.

The current plan is to truck ore from Kinross Gold’s Manh Choh Project near Tetlin to the Kinross Fort Knox mill north of Fairbanks, driving 250 miles each way. The proposal has numerous roadblocks. First and foremost is safety. Second is the high cost of road maintenance over the proposed life of the mining operation. Ore concentrates would be carried by large trucks 90 to 120 feet long, with trucks moving in and out about every 7.5 minutes, 24 hours a day. There are significant concerns regarding traffic disruption, accidents, exposure to school traffic, seasonal tourism, wildlife and traffic destined for Delta and Tok, as well as defense-related convoys to Fort Greely, our nation’s only missile defense site. The cost of maintaining an aging road with that much traffic would be extremely high. I am reminded of a dialogue decades ago between the Trans-Alaska Pipeline consortium and the state Department of Highways: If they had foreseen the exorbitant costs of maintaining the haul road, they would likely have built a railroad instead.


Ann Diener 0 Comments

We are focused on helping the Alaska to develop responsibly for Alaskans to flourish, and have three main goals: Rail Expansion to the Mining Districts, an LNG Pipeline from Prudhoe Bay south, and road construction with additional services for trucking and tourism along the Dalton Highway.